Horses are intuitive; they know your feeling before you
A detour from conventional therapy
Equine Assisted Therapy provides clients with a detour from conventional therapy based models. No longer required to exclusively participate in couch based therapy experiences, we’re waving goodbye to air conditioned CBD offices. Apologies Dr. Freud.
Now in Perth, Western Australia, Equine Assisted Therapy (E.A.T. for short) is a new and emerging mode of psychotherapy commonly practised internationally. Thousands of Australians are now experiencing the lasting, life changing benefits of this participant centred modality. Stablemindz is thrilled to bring you this globally trusted intervention based therapy.
We invite you to the green, bushy open spaces of our Southern River property to share 3.2 acres with our 2 horses, Bijou and Pepito. Here you’ll not only experience positive nature based health benefits, but you’ll start a tapestry rich in life self-awareness, presenteeism and connection guided by our experienced and industry qualified social worker, Liz Dos Santos.
Equine Assisted Therapy benefits
Ready for a mind shaking realisation? The Equine Assisted Psychotherapy model is effective for individuals dealing with trauma, abuse, anxiety and low self-esteem who are seeking increased self-awareness and self-actualization. Talking therapy alone does not bring about change; experience and practice does. Now, pause for a moment and absorb the implications of what you’ve just read. Talking therapy alone does not bring about change; experience and practice does. There truly is a meaningful, practical alternative to the talking cure. And it’s right here, right now.
E.A.T. Practitioners operate within the bounds of professional ethics working with participants through areas of:
Enhancing self esteem
Development of trust
Interpersonal effectiveness
Understanding relationships
Overall sense of wellbeing.
Interested to experience more? Keep reading.
Why Horses?
The inclusion of animals into human lives is a long held, commonly accepted custom in many countries. Whether it’s the family cat, budgie, dog, rabbit or fish, people readily recount stories where animals have had meaningful impacts in their life.
This positive contribution extends to horses. Whether it’s riding, racing, or pulling stage coaches, horses have played a leading role in the development of our way life acting as reliable, comforting companions. And it’s these sorts of observations that open the door to considering a role reversal: how can humans benefit from being in the presence of a horse?
Advocates of Equine Assisted Therapy share their stories often describing the experience saying “they take you as you are”, “they have no expectations and therefore don’t judge”, and “because of their size, I have to be very mindful being in their presence”. Knowing horses are particularly responsive to human emotional cues and body language signals only enriches our psychotherapeutic experiences further. It’s knowledge like this, partnered with reassurances for those seeking an environment less reliant on verbal communication and free of potential judgment and social embarrassment that sees Equine Assisted Therapy going from strength to strength.
Horses have played an important role in the development of our way of life.
Is Equine Assisted Therapy right for me?
Increased awareness in the present moment
An alternative to traditional therapist-patient in-room consultations, interacting with horses builds a deep sense of trust fostering an increase in confidence for many people. Observation based studies reveal time spent with a horse increases feelings of being present, heightened self-awareness and sharpened spatial awareness. These, combined with a sense of acceptance often not easily be found in situations driven by human-to-human communication making Equine Assisted Therapy the preferred intervention choice for many.
Equine Assisted Therapy at Stablemindz might be right for you if you’re seeking benefits that look like:
Increased self-awareness, including emotional awareness and regulation
Increased focus, attention and present moment awareness
Increased confidence in own abilities to try new things
Increased potential for empathy
Increased social and relationship skills
Increased problem-solving skills
Increased general life skills
Increased connection with own body
Our Equine Assisted Therapy program is suitable for individuals of any age and corporate team building days. All our work is governed by the same laws and ethics as an in-room consultation.
We only cater for the needs of people over the age of 13+.
Horse Wisdom Program
Your feet firming on the ground
Our carefully crafted Stablemindz Horse Wisdom Program consists of 7 sessions with Bijou, Pepito and Liz. Together we create safe spaces for clients to explore issues of importance through interactions with our horses. Participating in a Stablemindz program does not involve riding our horses. You will remain with your feet firming on the ground as we experience the joys and self-realisations our work delivers.
Our Horse Wisdom Program takes you on a structured journey across topics grounded in 3 foundational pillars:
mental health
social wellbeing
emotional wellbeing
As expected, both Bijou and Pepito play a key role in our program success. As living beings (like us), when something happens you feel it in your body. This increased participant bodily sensation awareness acts as a key guiding light in our program. Raising self-awareness is key to change. By being aware of what’s happening in your body, your head, and the environment clients form cornerstones in their journey of creating change.
Stablemindz ensure your personal safety is key. In fact, an increased awareness of your place in the surrounding is another intentional reflection piece drawing your attention to being present. Once you feel a strong sense of connection, love, compassion and empathy with a horse who comes to you, and holds you, your mind and your body will never forget that feeling.
Welcome to our life enriching Stablemindz Horse Wisdom Program.
Come find us
75 King Road
Oakford, WA, 6121
Tel 0421 275 089