Raising self-awareness is key to change
Our carefully crafted Stablemindz Horse Wisdom Program consists of 7 sessions with Bijou, Pepito and Liz. Together we create safe spaces for clients to explore issues of importance through interactions with our horses. Participating in a Stablemindz program does not involve riding our horses. You will remain with your feet firming on the ground as we experience the joys and self-realisations our work delivers.
Our Horse Wisdom Program takes you on a structured journey across topics grounded in 3 foundational pillars:
mental health
social wellbeing
emotional wellbeing
As expected, both Bijou and Pepito play a key role in the program success. As living beings (like us), when something happens you feel it in your body. This increased participant bodily sensation awareness acts as a key guiding light in our program. Raising self-awareness is key to change. Being aware of what’s happening in your body, your head, and the environment are cornerstones as you begin your journey.
Stablemindz ensure your personal safety is key. In fact, an increased awareness of your place in the surrounding is another intentional reflection piece drawing your attention to being present. Once you feel a strong sense of connection, love, compassion and empathy with a horse who comes to you, and holds you, your mind and your body will never forget that feeling.
Welcome to our life enriching Stablemindz Horse Wisdom Program.